Keller on Prayer

Dr Tim Keller’s book on Prayer tells us much about his ministry. As a Reformed convinced Protestant, we are surprised that his book on prayer is replete with references to Roman Catholic authors. But perhaps we should not be surprised, for over a decade ago, in a series of five lectures on prayer and meditation, Keller taught Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York the finer points of Catholic mysticism.

In his lecture entitled, ‘What is meditation?’ (1998), Keller mentioned “two streams that are filled with good, helpful material on meditation—the Catholic stream and the Quaker stream.” He referred to the “great stuff’ that emanates from Roman Catholic mystics”, and mentioned Ignatius Loyola (founder of the Jesuits), St Francis de Sales, St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila. Keller endorsed Catholic mystical writings with these words: “The best things that have been written are by Catholics during the Counter Reformation. Great stuff!”

One needs to read the critique of Keller’s Prayer with the above facts in mind.