Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry is a priest of the Church of England who has popularized the phrase of ‘same-sex attraction’ in the Church. Describing himself ‘as someone who lives with homosexuality’, he teaches that ‘homosexuality’ and ‘same-sex attraction’ (SSA) are interchangeable, although he prefers the phrase SSA. ‘I prefer to talk in terms of someone who experiences homosexual feelings, or same-sex attractions (SSA)’ (p11) Sam tends to avoid the word ‘gay’ because he does not want his sexual preference to describe who he is as a person.  He wants to be known as a ‘same sex attracted Christian’.  He writes: ‘I have found biblical Christianity a wonderful source of comfort and joy.’ (p10)

Together with his two same-sex attracted friends, Sean Doherty and Ed Shaw, and with the support of Vaughan Roberts, President of the Proclamation Trust, Sam Allberry leads a mission to promote his same-sex ideology through a website, entitled Living Out.  He has also written the book, Is God anti-gay? which has become a best-seller in the evangelical world.  Yet the phrase same-sex attraction is unknown in Scripture.  

The purpose of this video is to show how Allberry and friends are using the term ‘same-sex attraction’ to sanitise the sin of homosexuality, described in Scripture ‘vile affections’ which are ‘against nature’, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is shameful’ (Romans 1.26,27).